It is always important to update all of the software you use with the latest security updates and patches as soon as they are available. Numerous hacks and data breaches could have been avoided if individuals as well as companies installed security updates as soon as they became available. Hackers take advantage of the fact that many of us procrastinate installing security software to our great detriment. The major data breach at Equifax in 2018 that affected 148 million people involved a security flaw in Apache software for which a patch had already been issued months earlier, but Equifax had not yet installed at the time of the data breach.

Recently Adobe issued multiple security updates which you should download as soon as possible.


Here is a link to the Adobe updates:

Apple also provides the option of you being able to install the latest security updates automatically whenever they are issued.  In order to enable automatic iOS updates open the “Settings” app and tap “General.”  Then tap “Software Update” and then go to “Automatic Updates.”  Enable the switch next to “Download iOS Updates” which will take you to the switch for installing iOS Updates which you can then enable.  Once you do this, you will see a confirmation message confirming that your device will now automatically install iOS software updates when they become available.

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